
Filter017 @ Great idea-Petite Typeface(小字體大創意)

Filter017 @ Great idea-Petite Typeface(小字體大創意) 


由"Designerbooks"所出版的Great idea-Petite Typeface(小字體大創意),

“Big idea and small font"" is divided into two volumes. 
The first volume mainly focus on the various applications of the font in the graphic design such as books, CARDS, posters, packaging, etc.; 
the second volume mainly includes experimental art, device, product and application in the space, focusing on the materials application.
Works from 100 designers and artists in the world. 
The book content is very rich, the form is novel, and a large amount of information. 
It is not only a good helper to you learn but also is database of improve your inspiration. 
Whole books as two mature fruit, a strawberry and a Hamimelon, and colour is gorgeous as well as cute shape.
It contain high artistic value and practical value. We promote it sincerely. "


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