
Filter017@英國藝術雜誌Computer arts projectsFilter017@英國藝術雜誌Computer arts projects

十分令人振奮!今天收到來自英國藝術雜誌"Computer Arts"所寄來的公關樣書,內容大篇幅以跨頁形式報導了Filter017同名服飾品牌,真的是非常榮幸且驕傲!

英國藝術雜誌Computer Arts是一本以電腦相關藝術為主題在全球發行的知名藝術期刊,相信許多人已經並不陌生,在這本2009.11月所發行的Computer arts projects Issue 130中,以標題"來自全球最受矚目的街頭服飾品牌"為標題,主題性報導介紹來自全球許多以"藝術"和"設計"做為出發點的品牌(Launch Your Own Streetwear Brand),非常感謝的是FILTER017也在編輯受邀的名單之內,除了意外的跨頁大幅曝光之外,也讓這篇FILTER017的報導頁面做為整本專刊報導的首篇開場頁

在 這本專刊中,介紹專訪了不少歐美已經在世界舞台上非常知名的藝術家和前輩,例如:123Klan(Canada), Jeremyville(UK), Grogesk(USA),Hydro74(USA),等等...大師級人物,能夠被注目,並與這些佼佼者同台已經非常幸運!特別是再次以唯一受邀報導的亞洲創作者身分。

不得不說,我們情緒真的非常激動!也再次感謝Computer Arts編輯部(特別是藝術總監ALAN)!在FILTER017才剛剛推出同名品牌服飾和商品的同時就如此看重,我們相信這絕對是非常不容易的!



It’s really inspired! We have received the magazine from Computer Arts, UK today. They reported collection of Filter017 by two pages. It was a great honor and so proud to have this opportunity.
Computer Arts, the magazine for digital artists and designers, publish around the world that we believe is familiar to most of people. In Computer arts projects Issue 130, with a headline “Launch Your Own Streetwear Brand”, contains some successful streetwear brand around the world.
It’s pleased that we were invited to share and introduce Filter017 to everyone. We were surprised that two pages report and also placed in front page.
In this project, many great artists and designers from Europe and America such as 123Klan, Jeremyville, Grogesk, Hydro74 and so on are introduced in the magazine. It’s so lucky to be noticed, especially be an only designer from Asia.
We are so glad and appreciate to gain a high evaluation from the editorial department of Computer Arts when we just have launched several collections; however, it’s not easy for a new brand like us.
We take serious on each step of our works and every single product. Therefore, we tried to turn a piece into merchandise. However, each product is a unique creation. We focus on both quality and creativity when we are working. Hope consumers are able to meet our passion and energy when they put on our creations.
It’s not easy to affect or change something to the art circle, the only thing we can do is stay on what we are doing right now. To be known by others is mean a lot to us, just as the title “designers and illustrators the world over are spreading their style across T-shirts, bags, sneakers and skatedecks, selling their own range of apparel for a bit of extra cash on the side.” We are still learning and put lots efforts on graphic design in order to meet more support and spread our concept further.

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