
Filter017@TYPO SHIRT ONE by Index Book

西班牙出版公司 Index Book 出版 TYPO SHIRT 設計T-SHIRT專書,全書收錄超過一千七百多個來自世界各地優秀藝術家、品牌的獨特設計T-SHIRT,很榮幸同時也收錄了Filter017品牌T-SHIRT!在此與各位朋友分享這份喜訊!


Featuring more than 1,700 unique designs from all over the world, TypoShirt One is the first book to focus exclusively on T-shirt typography.
Spanning message and logo T-shirts to more abstract and arty models that transmit more cryptic messages, TypoShirt One showcases current and historical T-shirts from small, independent labels and artists to those created by globally recognized names and brands.
Ever since the T-shirt crossed over from unadorned male innerwear item to a hugely popular unisex wardrobe staple more than half a century ago, no other piece of apparel has featured as many expressive and fascinating claims, statements, typefaces and “instant messages.
These transmitted messages gain an irreversible strength and power through the motifs that, in this book’s pages, are reduced to their substance, related to the form and content.
Created for fans of graphic design, fashion and popular culture, TypoShirt One is an intriguing look at the wearable fabric canvases where these worlds–and words–meet.

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