【Jim Dreams X Filter017】
藉由Filter017的友好香港插畫師及平面設計師Jim Dreams的手繪風格詮釋出另一種Filter017 Style,多點美式率性及街頭感十足的視覺氛圍,如果你也喜歡,就幫我們一起分享吧!
Jim Dreams 現為香港的插畫師及平面設計師,曾於知名網上潮流雜誌Hypebeast 擔任攝影師。作品以插畫為主,作品風格多以女生為題材,由於深受街頭文化影響,加上曾在潮流行業工作,作品不時滲入潮流元素,亦因此曾受潮流媒體Hypebeast、PRoooF 等邀請,為他們和客戶繪畫插畫。
Jim Dreams is an illustrator and a graphic designer in Hong Kong. Previously he has also been a photographer for Hypebeast, a popular online lifestyle magazine. Jim Dreams’s works are mainly illustrations, primarily focusing on female themes. Jim Dreams is heavily influenced by street culture, together with his past experience of working in industries which shapes our lifestyle, trendy elements and traits can often be found in his works. These characteristics allowed Jim Dreams to be invited to create illustrations for online lifestyle media outlets like Hypebeast and PRoooF and other clients.
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