
Filter017@Newwebpick Issue13 Eucharist

Filter017這次很榮幸的能夠受到Newwebpick的 青睞,並且有幸能夠在Newwebpick Issue13 Eucharist中嶄露,有10頁之多的專訪及作品刊登,這實在讓我們受寵若驚,並且也十分興奮!非常感謝Newwebpick的機會!如果還沒接觸過 Newwebpick的朋友,可以先到官方網站一探究竟!

關於Newwebpick Issue13 Eucharist內容簡介如下:
Dear Friends, Merry Christmas !
Thank you for your support through out each day of last year.
We may not be able to remember all of your names, but your encouragement and support certainly means a great deal to us.
We may not be the best magazine, but we certainly try our very best. You are the force that push us forward continously.
Without you, Newwebpick wouldn't be where it is today.
Thank you very much. Have a happy holiday season.
Best wishes to you and your family. Enjoy all 620 pages of our holiday issue.

Contents and Designers:
Special ReportPlatinum Pentaward 2007

Kamil Bohdanowicz, Filter017 Graphic Design, Christian Strand Bergheim, Magnus Voll Mathiassen, Magnus Helgesen, Kok Kit LO, Kokokaka, letters-numbers, Michael Schinkothe, Andrew Morev, Angel Souto

BaseArdian Radityo, Dario Cerbino, Massimiliano Panzironi, Reto Kaul, ZHEN JIAN FENG, jingjing tan, tikka, Camilo Bejarano, Loreta Isac, alfalfa, Eugene Rudyy, ABEL SU, Xiang Hao

Matarazzo, gianluca mattia, iris luckhaus, Mateusz Szyca, Vitor Dottori, theo aartsma, Intira kuykerd

The Issue 13 subscription URL(正式付費版下載連結):


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