
Filter017 x Urban Webzien Sticker

香港知名流行線上媒體UrbanWebzine(UB)成立屆滿一周年,Filter017早先特地獻上聯名賀圖與木製票卡夾,如今Filter017 x UrbanWebzine 聯名貼紙終於釋出,即日起只要在以下官方線上通路購買任何一樣商品(貼紙零售除外),即可以免費獲得!數量有限,送完為止!!!

Hong Kong's well-known popular online media UrbanWebzine(UB) the first anniversary of the establishment. Before, we special offer the congratulations design and wooden ticket holder. Now, Filter017 x UrbanWebzine cooperation stickers finally released!!
Effective immediately, the official online store in the following purchase any goods (other than orders for the sticker), which is available free of charge! This offer is valid while stock last!!

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