
Filter017 X SARU HKT Custom Vintage Zippo Lighter

Filter017 X SARU HKT Custom Vintage Zippo Lighter

台灣設計團隊Filter017於2014年邁入成軍十周年。團隊透過十年來在設計、生活與經營的無數累積,開始產生對於創作環境的體驗及反思,進而衝擊出全新的創意與靈感。藉由Filter017的設計想像與創意演繹,HKT:Hunter-Killer Team亦依循著這個創作定律且懷抱著深遠寓意而誕生。
HKT:Hunter-Killer Team獵殺小隊,描述來自最後一批由戰後所殘存的戰士所組成的聯合游擊作戰小隊,心懷堅決不悔去為獨立革命進行一場壯烈的誓死抵抗。走過十年,Filter017認為比設計更重要的是向人們傳遞創作的核心精神與概念,而HKT獵殺小隊的設計主旨是要向獨立創作精神致敬。我們希望藉以一種在創作環境上的革命精神,除了可以渲染出一股團結力量之外,也反映出當下台灣的創作與商業環境,正面臨著負能量逆襲、缺乏思考力的人云亦云及媒體操作的市場趨勢,尤其是獨立經營的小團隊組織,也努力嘗試著如何堅持自我不要被現實的商業市場給淹沒。
此款Zippo lighter由Filter017設計,委由台灣Zippo Lighter 手工訂製達人Saru製作,運用蝕刻技法的限量手工訂製特別款。透過蝕刻技法,侵蝕打火機金屬主體表層,進而呈現出具有手感的獵殺小隊圖像,外觀部分加以打磨與腐蝕舊化效果,堆疊出此款打火機整體質感模擬如士兵在戰場上的真實使用感,從視覺與觸覺的雙重角度切入,也隱含著些許歷經戰場殺戮的歷練氛圍。
值得一提的是,此款聯名Zippo Lighter的外盒包裝,為求與打火機主體設計主軸符合,雙方特地以彈藥箱為概念進行外盒手工訂製,除了在設計與製作工法的講求之外,在木盒的材質選擇上亦是精心挑選質地極佳的實木進行開發製造,讓打火機整體由內而外的全面貫穿HKT獵殺小隊的戰地軍事風格。
藉由這次與Saru的Zippo Lighter聯名合作,從最初的設計溝通到後續的專訪企劃,雙方除了將彼此領域的專業,在此款HKT Custom Vintage Zippo Lighter完全結合展現之外,透過專訪內容,Filter017與Saru希望讓社會大眾了解無論是獨立創作團隊還是單打獨鬥的藝術家個體,皆懷抱著不變的堅持與設計初衷,在如此艱困的現實環境下,仍然力求自我專業技術的不斷精進與尋求更多跨界合作的可能,企圖從一個人的創作力量擴散到強大的團隊與團隊間的專業結合,進而創造出更深層的設計能量無限釋放與團結的獨立創作思維盡情渲染。
在本次Filter017 X SARU HKT Custom Vintage Zippo Lighter的專訪影片中,特別感謝Filter017的友好夥伴,來自美國的獨立創作饒舌團體-Da Youngfellaz於影片中背景音樂的贊助提供,以及負責影片剪輯的Mei Ho Studio,經由此次的跨界聯名合作,在深藏寓意的作品推出的同時,我們亦共同完成了團隊與團隊間,獨立創作精神與專業分工的成功展現。Filter017希望未來能夠繼續透過更多的跨界藝術合作,以團結的力量,讓社會大眾可以看到更多獨立創作團隊的影響力與創造力!
影片連結: https://youtu.be/TsyOwRUFO3Y
發售日期: 2015.05.01(五)
售價: NT 3980 / USD 138 / RMB 928
尺寸:打火機( 長13.5M / 寬1.5CM / 高5.5CM )
      外盒( 長12CM / 寬8.5CM / 高6.5CM )
Made In Taiwan 台灣製造
Saru`s ZIPPO works:
Da Youngfellaz:
Mei Ho studio:

Filter017 CREALIVE Shop
店址: 40445 台中市北區三民路三段201巷10號
電話: 04-22258131 

官方網站: http://www.filter017.com/
官方微博: http://weibo.com/filter017
Filter017 官方FB粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/Filter017

雅虎奇摩線上商店: http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/booth/Y2657125208
國際線上商店: http://filter017.bigcartel.com/
官方淘寶線上商店: http://filter017.taobao.com/
Pinkoi官方網站: http://www.pinkoi.com/store/filter017
 Filter017 X SARU HKT Custom Vintage Zippo Lighter
The year of 2014 is 10th anniversary of Filter017 design team. Through past decade life experience and engage in design ,we're starting to rethink about the experience of whole authoring environment, therefore, it brings us the whole new creation and inspiration. Through Filter017 design team's imagination and deductive reasoning of creative, this far-reaching implications theme "HKT:Hunter-Killer Team" has been born by following the creation law.

 "HKT : Hunter-Killer Team", this theme is describe an unit of guerrilla combat team, after war, these remnant soldier still want to fight for revolution of independence, until they die. Pass through our first decade, we thought to let people know about the core spirit and concept of creation has much important than design, and the main concept of "HKT : Hunter-Killer Team" is trying to pay tribute to the independent spirit, for example : such like independent brands or independent bands, the people or group who based on the independent creation. We truly hope we could through this independent creation spirit to spread the power of solidarity, also reflecting the mindless people always following the media's manipulation ,and the negative energies full in the whole business environment and creation in Taiwan, especially the small group of independent operate, they're trying to adhere to self, and not to flooding by this reality of commercial market.

This Zippo lighter's graphic has design by Filter017, and made by Taiwan's Zippo lighter custom connoisseur - Saru, he's using the etching techniques to produce this special limited hand-made custom vintage Zippo lighter.

Thought the etching techniques, using the chemical liquid to etching the lighter's metal surface layer, then shows the graphic of hunter-killer team, also using the abrasive wear and  corrosion techniques on the outer casing, makes the whole lighters texture feels like those soldiers are really using the lighter on the battlefield,whether thought the visual or tactile sensation are also including some atmosphere of those killing experience on the battlefield.

This time's Zippo lighter package box, consider to conform with the design theme of Lighter,
so we're using the ammunition boxes as main concept to produce this package box,in addition to the design and production technique,we also careful selected the great texture wood to produce the package box,let the whole Lighter's design theme through the Hunter-Killer Team's battlefield style.

Through this collaboration project with Saru, from the beginning of design to the interview,both sides shows their own professional, via this interview, Filter017 and Saru hope could let the public to understand ,whether are the independence creative team or personal artist,they're still keep their own perseverance and the original intention of design,even the reality of life is hardship,we're still keep to grow our professional skills and keep found more possibility of collaboration,from a person's creative force to combine with other professional team,then it'll create more design energy in the creative thinking of independent.

In this times Filter017 X SARU HKT Custom Vintage Zippo Lighter interview film,we're truly want to thanks our partner - Da Youngfellaz provide the great music,and film editor - Mei Ho Studio, through this independent creative spirit ,truly hope could let the public to see more influence and creativity of independent creative team!

 Notice : Because this item is hand-made, so the damage and corrosion effects will not the same.
Release date : 2015/05/01(Fri)
Quantity : 30 sets of global limited
Size : Size: Lighter (length 13.5cm / width 1.5cm / high 5.5cm)
Outer box (length 12cm / width 8.5cm / high 6.5cm)
Price : USD$138
Made In Taiwan
Saru`s ZIPPO works:
Da Youngfellaz:
Mei Ho studio:

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