
2012 Filter017 FCL OUTDOOR LAB Graphics Collection

彙整2012年整個年度Filter017團隊為 「FCL OUTDOOR LAB」主題系列所設計的圖像以及視覺設定作品,包含圖像設計、標誌設計、字體設計、角色設計、PATTERN圖紋設計、海報設計以及各種運用編排上之考量設定,此系列作品也陸續於品牌、商品及藝術層面上做各種運用延伸。 此系列的平面作品在建構方式以及設計方向上比起過往更加經過深思熟慮與規劃,在邏輯和視覺上的整合,更是Filter017在創作風格上不斷自我精進之處,這方面在此系列作品的表現上更是有所成長突破。
Filter017創作團隊透過這項圖像與平面設計的實驗,將此整合規劃的思考與實作方式,加以整理歸納而成獨有的設計法則,正式將此設計方法發表,並命名定義為「邏輯性系統視覺圖像」( Logical System Of Visual Graphics 簡稱:LSVG )。
2012年開始,Filter017團隊將延續"Horror Forest"(陰森林系列)這個先前所發表過的主題概念,繼續以擅長的美式圖像及視覺風格,傳達圖像及主題所要詮釋的寓意或幽默,並透過單品結合近年流行的Outdoor風格與話題,推出了全新品牌支線"FCL OUTDOOR LAB"。
Filter017一直以來都向往"圖像設計"與"產品設計"的貼切結合與平衡,也猶如致力研發、促成這兩者結合的獨立實驗室,這次,團隊再次以一貫的實驗精神,將多元且趣味的圖像和混合元素,以及對於產品細節上的巧思與用心,將圖像創作與流行單品緊緊結合並注入靈魂,重新詮釋出專屬於Filter017的Outdoor休閑風格,而"FCL OUTDOOR LAB"也就此產生!
在"FCL OUTDOOR LAB"這個系列支線中,Filter017將呈出現不同以往的視覺風格,也藉由支線的延展,暫時跳脫Filter017部份的既有印象,使品牌及創作調性和方向能夠更多元發展,接下來就請支持Filter017的朋友共同拭目以待吧!
To summarize the annual collection Filter017 did for “FCL Outdoor Lab” in 2012, such as various graphic designs, symbol/logo designs, typeface designs, characters designs and pattern/poster designs, we did strive to stretch the usage of all designs into branding, merchandising and artistic exposures as much as possible.
The collections are sure to surpass our works in the past in many ways as they are much more well-thought and planned logically and much well-organized visually.  We consider it to be Filter017’s breakthrough in overall self-development and design capability.  We are confident that we have already out-grown our awkwardness in the past couple of years.
As a result, we are equipped with the possibilities and power needed in further presenting our design themes and our final artistic designs visually.  We have confidence that we completed the experiments and met the challenges in premeditation designs in the past year which made us even much well-prepared to prolong the drive to refine our work ability and our work collections in the future. 
Via the experiments in different graphic and pattern designs, we were able to bundle the ideas, logistics, hands-on implementation and conclusive wrap-ups into a wholesome feasible package which we proudly present and name “Logical System of Visual Graphics, short for LSVG).
Ever since the Filter017 design team dedicated themselves to the design of clothing and life-related products, they have maintained a consistent philosophy of fusing creative images and designs with inspirations from daily life. It is Filter017’s endless quest to continue embracing the spirit they have always exemplified, which has helped to generate distinctive products and a brand with unique value.
In 2012, the Filter017 design team is continuing to extend upon the theme concept of “Horror Forest.” They created images in American styles and visual designs, seamlessly incorporated classic American motifs, and blended in trademark concepts and light morbid humor in their graphic designs. As part of an effort to combine independent products with their recent inspirational theme of the “outdoors,” Filter017 launched its subsidiary line, “FCL OUTDOOR LAB.”
In terms of style and design inspirations, the FCL OUTDOOR LAB series particularly gravitates toward outdoor styles which have gotten much attention in recent years. This new attempt also reflects Filter017’s graphic design style that has been maintained throughout its product evolution. In terms of the visual and graphic technique, this series embodies vintage American outdoor styles fused with ideas about leisure, travel, outdoor activities, and exotic cultures. Furthermore, this was incorporated with the themes of introspection, self-challenge, and environmental protection. The effort encourages civilized human beings who live in cities to go out and enjoy the beauty of nature instead of being consumed with work and technology. It also brings into our consciousness the importance of protecting Mother Nature and inspires people to challenge their limitations.
Just like working in an independent laboratory, achieving the perfect balance between “graphic design” and “product design” is a delicate experiment to undertake and one that the Filter017 design team continues to refine. This time, as an expression of their experimental spirit, they blended an exclusive outdoor leisure style with fun images, fused elements, and meticulous attention to the overall product’s details as always. Then, they merged these ideas with new innovative designs, fashion components, and instilled a soul. That is how the FCL OUTDOOR LAB was born!
In the FCL OUTDOOR LAB series, Filter017 is going to present a completely different visual style compared to the past. Due to the extension of this subsidiary line, Filter017 can temporarily reach beyond its established brand conventions, and will be able to achieve the goal of multi-dimensional development. The best is yet to come!

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